Tuesday, July 28, 2009

...Summer Holiday to Indonesia...

3 july 2009 we went to Indonesia for vacation. We will stay to Indonesia for 1 month only. We have visited to my all family and all beautiful places in Java.

We will go back to Abu Dhabi on 2 august 2009. I will post all the pictures in the next posting


Fanda Classiclit said...

eh mau ke indo ya? Ke kota mana aja nih? Selamat jalan deh, ditunggu laporan perjalanannya...

Keluargaku Surgaku said...

Sekarang udah balik ya? sudah puas berwisata kuliner? ;))

Reni said...

Mbak, mana ceritanya dari tanah air ? Bagi-2 dunk... ^_^